Class ChildrenHolderNodeAbstract

An interface for nodes that can hold children.

Hierarchy (view full)




children: BaseNode[] = []

The children of the node.

Ref: ChildrenHolder.children

name: string

The name of the node.


  • Adds a child to the node. If the node is a TextNode, attempts to flatten the node with a previous TextNode.


    Returns void

  • Converts the node into a tree-like overview of all children.


    • indentWidth: number = 2

      The number of spaces to indent the output. Defaults to 2.

    Returns string

    The tree-like overview of all children.

  • Gets the children of the node tree.


    • indentWidth: number

      The number of spaces to indent the output.

    Returns string

    The children of the node tree.

  • Converts the node into a textual representation of the node as BBCode. A node should return the exact same string as the input to Parser.parse provided indented is false.

    Returns string

    The textual representation of the node as BBCode.

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